News Archive
The Annual General Meeting was held on 3rd March 2019. All proposed Rule changes were passed except Rule 9.02a, 9.02b and 10.02b, these were referred back to the Committee.

Officers remained as before. Two Committee members retired and four members volunteered to join the Committee. (postscript. Keith Butler sadly passed away just after the AGM)

47 members and friends sat down to a lunch with a change. Due to a change in venue the lunch consisted of a choice of starter and dessert from the counter and a carvery.

Record shields were presented along with certificates to the three riders who set new records during 2018. All three new record breakers were given time to make a short speech and all thanked the RRA for the help given both before and during the attempts. Dominic Irvine was re-presented with his 2015 tandem Land’s End to John o’Groats certificate and was also the main speaker and proposed the toast to the RRA. John Taylor replied on behalf of the RRA.
Doug Hart    Nick Clarke     Michael Broadwith    Dominic Irvine
This information was added 14th January 2017
The AGM will be held on 10th March 2017 at 5 p.m. at the 52 Club, 52 Gower Street,
This information was added 29th March 2015
Congratulations Midland C&AC
Founded 1890
Dear Sirs,

April this year will be the 125th Anniversary of the above club and we shall be celebrating the occasion with a Dinner on April 12th at the Henley-in-Arden Golf Club in Warwickshire.
    Our club is steeped in history, from its earliest beginnings it was one of the foremost club’s in the country & the Premier club in the Midlands with its headquarters in Victoria Square, Birmingham.`
    In the early days the club badge had the Birmingham Coat of Arms as its centre piece and very proud of its Birmingham origins after having been started at the Holte Hotel in Aston.
    Amongst its members in the early days was the MP for Aston, Capt Grice Hutchinson (President), Harry Keys (Chairman of West Bromwich Albion FC) a Director of Aston Villa, the Urry family, J B Burman, J K Starley of the Rover cycle company (later Rover cars), positions of Chairman, Treasurer, V/Chairman of the Birmingham Charity Sports, Charles Hyde of the BSA, Sir Edmund Crane, the Dawes family of Dawes Cycles, Birds family of custard fame and many more of the great & good of Birmingham.
    Sports meetings were held at the Aston Lower Grounds, later Villa Park that had a cement cycle track around the pitch and following the Second World War they were held at Cadburys ground with thousands there for the Cycling & Athletic events. St Andrews & the Edgbaston Cricket ground were also used.
    Club Dinners were held at the Crown Hotel & The Imperial Hotel in the City and were grand affairs with leaders of industry present.     
    The club developed star riders such as Charlie Moss & Billy Welsh breaking the ‘End to End’ ride on three occasions.
    Albert Powell won the first Bath Road ‘100’ in 1903, Charles Moss won it four times 1907-8-9-11 also being the first man to beat four hours for the distance. He also won the Anfield ‘100’ three times in 1910-11-12, Charles Holland also won the Anfield in 1932-34-36.
    In 1908 David Noon represented Great Britain in the Olympic Games as did Charlie Moss in 1912, Harry Genders in 1920 & Charles Holland in 1932 & 36.
    The club’s riders have attained eleven National Records & some seventy two Midland records, a record hard to beat by any club during its long history.
    Charles Holland turned professional and rode in the 1937 ‘Tour de France’ only failing to finish having completed 2,000 miles, due to running out of tyres.
    Charles won the Isle of Man International 1936 as did Les Willmott in the fifties. John Pottier another of our great riders turned professional and rode with great distinction in the ‘Tour of Britain’ twice holding the yellow jersey and also represented his country in the ‘Tour of Spain’.
    If you add the names of other notables such as Frank Greenwood, Jack Middleton, Austin Appleby, Syd Holloway, Fred Chinn, Jack Simpson, Bill Connolly to name just a few, the club has a remarkable and proud history both in Cycling & Athletics, having had the AAA’s 100 yds champion, ¼ mile champion and in 1908-09-11 Reg Noakes was the 2 miles Steeplechase champion.
    The club magazine ‘Roll-Call’ was first produced in 1895 and has been produced every month since and right up to the present day without fail including through two world wars.  
    We are still an active club with regular club runs, programme of club events through the season, social events throughout the year and very much look forward to the future.

John Kemp Starley developed the ‘Rover’ Safety Bicycle, he was another of our members until his premature death in 1901, but his company went on to great things such as Rover cars., now owned by BMW. We hope to have an original Starley Safety & the modern version on display at our Dinner on April 12th as well as a the club trophies and a selection of old & new racing vests, plus a continuous display of old photographs.

John Bishop
This information was added on 14th  March 2015
AGM 2015
The AGM was held at Harding’s Restaurant, Aylesbury College, Aylesbury on 8th  March 2015, at 11am.
There were 5 Life Members, 9 Private Members, 11 Club Delegates attending and 5 apologies were received.
All proposals to change Rules were approved.
The Committee lost the following members, Mike Johnson (deceased), Keith Robins and Den Mills both retired from the Committee.
Mark Brooking volunteered to go on the Committee
The Lunch was attended by 57 Members and friends.
Jane Moore was presented with a certificate and trophy for her tricycle Land’s End to John o’Groats record.
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New President Audrey Hughes and
Retiring President Den Mills
Lynne Taylor and (page turner) Bob Williams
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Jane Moore receives
her End to End certificate from
Lynne Taylor
Lands End to John o’ Groats Record Holders
Lynne Taylor, Jane Moore, Eileen Sheridan and Ralph Dadswell
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The following information was added on 1st  May 2013

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Ken Joy last Saturday
The following information was added on 24th April 2013

I am very sad to report the passing of John Arnold on Sunday 21st April 2013, after a long battle against illness.
John, partnered with Albert Crimes, was responsible for many tandem trike records, several of which still stand today. He will be sorely missed by all those who knew him, especially those attempting the E-E. John would always try to get out and witness an attempt and shout encouragement .
The following information was added on 27th January 2013

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Geoff Lonsdale on
22 January 2013.
Geoff had been fighting a brain tumour for some time. He was a Private Member and Observer of the RRA. He had arrange Marshals through Bristol on the E-E for many years. He will greatly missed.  
The following information was added on 18th December 2012
It is with deep regret that we record the following information:-
Derek Keen passed away this week. He held the Cardiff - London Tandem Trike record with M. Henighan in 1969.
Reg Randall died in a RTA this morning. Reg held the RRA E-E  and 1000 Mile and 3 NWHCRRA records
The Following information was added on 20th February 2012
The 2012 Annual General Meeting and Luncheon was held at Harding’s of Aylesbury College, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP21 8PD, on Sunday 19th Febuary  2012, at 11:00am, and was followed by the Luncheon at 12:45am. 25 Members and Delegates attended the AGM. The proposition to change Rule 6.02 was withdrawn, all other propositions were passed. All Officers remained the same as last year.
67 Members and guests attended the 33rd Triennial Lunch. Ralph Dadswell and Paul Mace were the only recipients of Record Certificates.
There were six End to End record holders present :- Eileen Sheridan, Reg Randall, Dave Duffield, Dave Keeler, John Woodburn and Ralph Dadswell
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David Duffield
Eileen Sheridan
Reg Randall
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Record Breakers
Ralph Dadswell and Paul Mace
With President Den Mills
The Following information was added on 14th  November 2011
The 2012 Annual General Meeting and Luncheon was held at Harding’s of Aylesbury College, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP21 8PD, on Sunday 19th Febuary  2012, at 11:00am, and was followed by the Luncheon at 12:45a
The Following information was added on 25th February 2006
Forty people attended the AGM of the Road Records Association, which took place on Sunday 18th February 2006 at the Red Lion Hotel in Hatfield.  The committee remains largely unchanged, although Tim Dadswell has resigned as Chairman, being replaced by Mike Johnson.  Tim remains as Treasurer.  Following the meeting, the 31st Triennial Luncheon was held, with just over 100 places laid.  The principal guest was Fashion Designer and TV Personality Jeff Banks. After hearing from Jeff, trophies and awards were presented for records recently broken by Lynne Taylor, Marina Bloom, Chris Hopkinson and Ralph Dadswell.  
The Following information was added on 21st January 2003
At the Committee Meeting held on 20th January 2003, the Committee ratified Lynne Taylor's Land's End to John O'Groats record, with the time confirmed at 2 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes and 11 seconds. The 1000 mile record is pending accurate measurement.

The Following information was added on 23rd October 2002
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Ralph Dadswell and Marina Bloom have established a record time over the Cardiff to London route on mixed tandem tricycle. The provisional time is 7 hours, 4 minutes and 35 seconds. The standard to be beaten was 8 hours.

The Following information was added on 5th October 2002
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Lynne Taylor has broken the women's Land's End to John O'Groats bicycle record, in a time of 2 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes and 11 seconds. This improves the previous record held by Lynne by 1 hour, 3 minutes and 10 seconds.
Also subject to ratification, Lynne has broken the 1000 mile record. Lynne's provisional new record time is 2 days, 16 hours and 40 minutes. This improves on Eileen Sheridan's record (set in 1954) by 8 hours and 20 minutes.

The Following information was added on 29th September 2001
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Gethin Butler  has broken the men's 1000 miles, Land's End to John O'Groats and 24 hour bicycle record.  Approximately 509.3 miles were completed in 24 hours.  The Land's End to John O'Groats ride was completed in a time of 1 day, 20 hours, 4 minutes and 19 seconds. The 1000 mile ride was completed in 2 days 7 hours 53 minutes and 7 seconds - subject to accurate measurement.

The Following information was added on 28th September 2001
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Lynne Taylor has broken the women's Land's End to John O'Groats bicycle record, in a time of 2 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 21 seconds.

The Following information was added on 28th August 2001
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Ralph Dadswell and Marina Bloom have established the following records in the Mixed Tandem Tricycle category:
   * London to York: 8 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds
   * 12 hours:  approx 265 miles
   * York to Edinburgh: 10hours 44 minutes 20 seconds
   * London to Edinburgh: 19 hours 40 minutes 40 seconds
   * 24 hours:  approx 451 miles
The times/distances quoted above are all provisional.

The Following information was added on 28th August 2001
Ralph Dadswell and Dave Johnson attempted to break the Mens Tandem Tricycle record for London to Bath and Back and 12 hours on 8th August 2001
The attempt was unsuccessful, and the riders abandoned at Calne after 150 miles

The Following information was added on 28th August 2001
The RRA Committee have ratified Ralph Dadswell and Marina Bloom's Mixed Tandem Tricycle record over the London to Portsmouth and Back route, with a new record time of 6 hours 35 minutes and 5 seconds.

The Following information was added on 28th August 2001
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Gethin Butler has beaten the Liverpool to Edinburgh record for the Men's bicycle category.  The ride took place on Sunday 24th June starting at 6:30am from Liverpool.  The provisional time for the ride was 8hrs, 31 mins 27 seconds, an improvement of 34 minutes and 33 seconds over the previous record set by Ken Joy in 1954

The Following information was added on 5th June 2001
Subject to ratification by the RRA committee, Ralph Dadswell and Marina Bloom have established the London to Portsmouth and Back record for the Mixed Tandem Tricycle category.  The ride took place on Sunday 28th May starting at 4am just outside Kingston-upon-Thames.  The provisional time for the ride was 6hrs, 35 mins 5 seconds.

The liability insurance which we now hold is something of a necessary evil. Arranged at quite modest cost through the National Farmers Union, it is derived from their policies for agricultural shows and gymkhanas, where volunteers also have to be protected from claims if there is an accident. But, as their broker says, it won't work if you do something that is downright silly. This sort of policy gives our officials and checkers on attempts protection against another insurance company or a solicitor who is determined to pin blame on someone if anything goes wrong. In a world where litigation is often the first option, the NFU policy will give us access to bigger and better lawyers to fight off this sort of claim. But please, as riders, officials or helpers, do act with common-sense on record attempts. We share very crowded roads with those who sometimes show they have very little. At the last AGM the Committee was asked to confirm how the insurance premium would be paid. In the first year it was taken from our insurance reserve. It has now been decided to pay it from our general account in future.

Timekeepers and Observers
Thanks to all of you for the work put in during another season. If you know of other timekeepers who would like to be put on our books, please let us know. The more there are, the more there are to go round. It is common for one timekeeper to start a ride and another to time the finish so new recruits need not fear that they might be tied up for hours on end. The Association would also like to hear from Course Measurers who would be willing to work on our behalf. This is an occasional duty, but an extremely important one, and we can never have too many to call upon. May we remind you of several important points :
~ record rides have a release, not a push start.
~ Observers following should keep a detailed record of the ride, noting particularly where riders are out of sight. A report is required for all attempts, even unsuccessful ones.
~ please use the passing rule as it is intended, which is to give refreshment, medical or mechanical assistance. It is felt unlikely that a rider would need to be fed 10 times in an hour ! However, a pass can and should always be made if there is any question about safety, of the rider, his helpers and officials or any other road users. Please, use your discretion.
~ timekeepers should record the exact times on both timers and not round up or down

Now kept by Keith Robins, he has checked and listed the huge store of information we have. Theoretically, all material concerning record attempts is confidential, but those with a bona fide interest in an earlier record (for example, for a family history) are invited to apply to the Committee for access.